Product Updates

Introducing Our Latest Features: Enhanced Web Search & Chat Renaming

We're excited to announce two significant updates to the Paxton AI platform. Driven by direct feedback from our valued community, we're unveiling an upgraded Web Search tool alongside a brand-new chat renaming functionality.

Enhanced Web Search Tool: Precision at Your Command

In our continuous effort to deliver the most relevant and accurate legal information to our users, we've taken our Web Search tool to the next level. Now, you have the power to direct Paxton to search specific websites for your queries, ensuring that the insights you receive are exactly what you're looking for. This targeted approach not only saves time but also ensures that the information you gather is directly applicable to your needs. Whether you're deep into case law research or navigating the complex web of regulatory guidelines, our enhanced Web Search tool is your gateway to faster, more efficient legal research.

Point Paxton to search a specific Website

Chat Renaming Functionality: Organize Your Projects with Ease

Keeping track of numerous projects and research topics can quickly become overwhelming. That's why we're thrilled to introduce the ability to rename your chat interactions within the Paxton platform. This new feature is all about simplifying your workflow, allowing you to easily organize, find, and refer back to specific conversations or projects. By assigning meaningful names to your chats, you can streamline your navigation through the Paxton interface, making your legal research process as smooth as possible.

Stay organized with Chat Renaming

Inspired by You

These latest features are a testament to the power of user feedback. At Paxton AI, we're dedicated to listening to our users and adapting our platform to meet your evolving needs. The enhanced Web Search tool and chat renaming functionality are direct responses to the challenges you've shared with us.

We're excited for you to try out these new features and continue to share your experiences with us. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of legal technology, and we're committed to continuing this journey together.

Checkout our Latest News

Now, you can rename files directly on the platform and choose whether to include unpublished cases in your case law research. These user-requested features are just the beginning—more improvements are on the way.
Discover how Paxton AI's latest update is transforming legal research with its innovative unified search interface. Now you can seamlessly navigate both case law and legal regulations across state and federal levels in one streamlined tool. Enhance your research efficiency and accuracy today with Paxton AI's integrated approach.
Explore the transformative capabilities of Paxton AI's Confidence Indicator in our latest blog post. This innovative feature assigns confidence levels to AI-generated legal responses, enhancing decision-making accuracy. Learn how it supports informed legal research with an impressive 94% average accuracy on the Stanford Legal Hallucination Benchmark.

Elevate your legal practice with advanced AI-driven research and drafting tools. Experience unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and security designed specifically for legal professionals.